deer & osprey

Life will continue to be deluxe as long as there's deer sausage. While I sit here cleaning my computer desktop screen of the rubbish that recently has accumulated numerous icons, a sausage link slowly bakes at 250° in the toaster-oven. 

Conserving, I'm using half a sausage bun, which in a few minutes I'll mash so there's a dent for the sausage, and toast so it's warm and crispy. I spread mayo on the bun, place the sizzling sausage in the bun and smear a thin, barely visible line of yellow mustard down the length of the sausage,

Contemplating it, not to be rude, crude, and unattractive, so kindly pardon me, I'm careful not to let my mouth drool as I take a sip of hot, black coffee from the mug. 

See, life is what you make it. I may harbor a few regrets, all that StAndrewsBay fried mullet I missed eating while I lived away my Navy years, for example. But generally I've been content. And now here I am, happily sheltering in 7H, watching the shrimp boats, the occasional ship coming and going, and the ospreys gliding by then circling then halting suspended above a spot where a fish has been spotted then plunging for the catch.

If I Ever - - Ever is a facet of Time, which is contained in Eternity, and I don't anticipate Ever knocking at my door again and saying "Let's go live it, Bubba!" once I'm done here - - have another chance, I may be a Gulf Coast osprey fishing exclusively for mullet.

Every October before Cat5HMichael, there was a mullet spawning hatchery right here in the Bay at my feet. It wasn't there this past October, and neither were the fishHawks nor the fisherMen. My guessing fear is that the hurricane caught it in the midst of things and wiped it out. The osprey are back and fishing, though I've only seen them clutching small fish like chofers, no mullet. 

Maybe if I'm an osprey I'll live on Bayou Texar in Pensacola. 

For anyone who thinks this morning's blogpost is Nonsense so far, two points

  • ever since starting +Time nearly ten years ago, I've categorized it as My Nonsense;
  • here's part of tomorrow's Palm Sunday lectionary Propers, for contemplation: 

Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon him our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross, giving us the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

The theology, which shows in the address to God (the part up to the colon) virtually ratifies the second paragraph of the Nicene Creed: the incarnation, life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The petition (from the colon to the semicolon) ratifies what, in the Baptismal Covenant, we vow to take on as our way of life.

The collect, in fact, gives us a foretaste of what the rest of the worship service will be about, and is meant to help us collect as a worshiping group centering on that.


