
Quite an afternoon yesterday with the severe storm line driving through and a tornado or waterspout moving from about Hathaway Bridge down StAndrewsBay passed us here and into downtown Panama City, Harrison Avenue area. Hurriedly as Ross Whitley said it was coming ashore, we moved plants and furniture from 7H porch into the adjacent living room and bedroom to keep from having thrown through sliding glass doors. We did not see its rotation, only no visibility rain driven by wind, but, judging by the evening news, a mess downtown.

It's what's for life, Springtime season for severe weather preparatory to hurricane season June through November. I would say the weather definitely seems to be changing, whether short term or longer IDK. 

Clear and calm and then another violent display of lightning moved through at bedtime.

Meanwhile the plague. I appreciated the article linked below. The world situation is fraught with uncertainty of course.

Indications or likelihood that this will divide America even more as people see things very differently, so slam and hate each other. Like everyone else who's posited themselves on the good side of the dire but percentage-wise relatively minor side of the mortality statistics, I expect and plan to live through it this season, but you know what, it'll last through this year and pick back up, intensify, this fall and into the winter. 

This Covid19 could be a permanent new threat feature of life for us earthlings. Who fears the wrath of God might take this ominously. Or, if one observes that Nature raises 7734 from time to time, a fire here, a hurricane there, an earthquake and tsunami now and then, tornado, flood, a plague every few hundred years like now that decimates national and the world's population, a hurtling meteorite from eon to eon, one could take it quite seriously. Decimates doesn't mean total, it literally means takes out ten percent.

Meantime food producers shut down, farmers trash crops that can't be moved in what once were normal ways. Airplanes are empty. Buses, train cars. The new cheap vacation of cruise ships may go away for a generation or more, I'm sure as aitch never getting on another cruise ship, not even Disney, which I loved. Empty grocery shelves, shoppers prohibited from going inside stores, entertainment industry shut down, huge swaths of people unemployed and no jobs for graduating college students. The memory is Great Depression. Untermensch going into such as Walmart to stroll and browse because they are bored, endangering others. Bad news all around. Yet I love the line in the article linked below, Christopher Witko, a political-science professor at Penn State University, observing “Americans always say, 'This changes everything'. But it never changes anything.”

Don't know where you are psychologically, politically, mentally in all this, and plague mixed with hurricane and severe storms stirs up even more, but anyone blithely expecting to be untouched, unscathed is a gardenia fool. Am I scared and worried? by all means yes, but not about me, aitch I'm eighty-four years old though Life Is Good; however, very seriously anxious about loved ones. 

Everything is new and expectancies are not the same in a Time when life expectancy is related not just to age and state of health, but to what one does for a living. Medicine, food service, transportation and other service contact occupations. This too shall pass, and something different will follow.

Though we're not suffering yet, I liked life the way it was, as it used to be. LHM XHM LHM.
