Wednesday: friend coming for supper

100% chance of rain today, but when I went out on 7H porch just after seven o'clock this morning (I'm trying to work into a new habit of sleeping later), there was a delightful unseasonally cool breeze coming from the east. A spring or autumn breeze. Linda fixed oatmeal (I eat my oatmeal either plain from the pot, or with NoSalt and maybe black pepper, or (as today) with broken up raw unsalted walnut pieces. Adds a bit of crunch, eh? 

Am I a big oatmeal fan? I'm a big eggs and bacon fan, or eggs and fried catfish or fried mullet fan. Or, when at Golden Corral, eggs and fried chicken drumstick fan, does that answer your question? 

A second magic mug of hot & black because even at half past nine the brain is still foggy. It's another FuroEighty day. We're about to make a trip up to Bill's Grocery, which I can see from my study office den window, and probably could walk as long as I'm pushing my red convertible. 

Age was creeping up on me, but of late seems to have become in a hurry, nomesane? No, of course you don't, but I pray you will in Time.

Not much water traffic on the Bay this midweek midmorning, couple of small craft, including the red pirate ship. Some years ago I missed a 100th birthday party dinner cruise on the pirate ship because of having a wedding at the same Time, but seems to me I may have had a cruise on it/her sometime or other with Kristen's HNES class, not sure. 

I do remember that we had an evening cruise on the "Lady Anderson" but that was more than thirty years ago, because my father and mother were with us (my father died 31 years ago this month and my mother died 13 years ago this month); what I recall is that we were looking forward to a wonderful Captain Anderson's seafood buffet, but they didn't do their best or even their second or third best with the meal, and we didn't go again. Seems to me that evening dinner cruise ceased being offered years ago.

What am I thinking about this morning? In keeping with a remark about my age (scroll up), whatever I had in mind to blog about has completely slipped my mind, which is too bad, because it means you missed some really interesting stuff. 

This hurricane season we are trying to stay ready to leave on a moment's notice. Got a list, got bottles of water in Linda's car and a box of food cans ready to take. My car (I gave my Cadillac to son Joe, my current car, previously Kristen's car that we bought for her after she had a frightening car crash her freshman or sophomore year at Emory in February 2013), a 2013 Volvo XC60 now with over 115,000 miles on it, is our standby vehicle for when Linda's car is being serviced or when a friend or loved one needs to borrow a car for a week or two, and in event of hurricane evac it will have to take its chances in the HV garage below. The garage is about six feet above Bay high tide, I guess. I always keep an eye on Cramer's inventory though in case something untoward happens to Linda's car and I have to act fast. What do they have right now? Some pretty appealing stuff actually. I like GM and I love the folks who sell it.

Not feeling at all like a Holy Man this morning, which may indicate that my Time in the Wilderness devoted to shedding previous self-identification with What I Do (Navy commander, Episcopal priest) instead of Who I Am (just me, Papa, Honey, Uncle Bubba, Dad), is working. But I'm thinking of a closing benediction that in the old days we used to hear spoken frequently by the officiant or celebrant in Episcopal churches, 

Unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to his power that worketh in us, unto him be dominion in the church, and in our Lord Jesus Christ throughout all ages, henceforth now and forever, world without end.

It was a good closing: Amen.

Happy birthday, Walt! 2024 - 1939 = 85. 

