Circle Me

Circle me, Lord
Keep protection near
And danger afar
Circle me, Lord
Keep hope within
Keep doubt without
Circle me, Lord
Keep light near
And darkness afar
Circle me, Lord
Keep peace within
Keep evil out

My high school years were blessed by playing in the Bay High Hundred Piece Million Dollar Marching Band as Orin Whitley called us. Mr. Whitley did not suffer fools or tardiness gladly, especially being late to Thursday night band practice. He constantly told us to “leave home fifteen minutes early so if you have a flat tire you’ll still be on time.” It became a habit, second nature.
Arriving early then, sitting in a pew at First Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon and waiting to begin our rehearsal for this evening’s wedding of Melanie and Jonathan, I thumbed through the well worn red leather Book of Common Prayer that has served me well for over a quarter century. Pages fell open to “Holy Baptism” where permanently affixed is one of my cherished little treasures, a card that Kate brought over from England years ago for our christening of Caroline. A card with a prayer. By the grace of Fr. Roy, we had the baptism at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, privately on a Sunday afternoon. The prayer was the lovely piece de resistance that closed our service for Caroline. 
Kate’s Prayer is not only a blessing for a beloved child being brought into the Church, but a comfort for anyone, anytime. Perhaps especially one who needs to feel God near. Circled by the Lord is blessing, comfort, assurance. 

Shabbat: shalom.
Circle me.