And Many More

And Many More
Today is Kristen’s birthday, and what a happy nineteen years her Papa has had, loving her dearly. 
On TV news earlier this week there was a report that people are living longer, life expectancy is up. For females it’s over 80 years, for males 76.2 years. Which puts me in +Time for sure: my grandfather clock should have stopped ticking last Thanksgiving weekend. But it isn’t borrowed time now, because it cannot be paid back; so it’s a gift, it's Grace Time. Somewhat not unlike the view of human sin Anselm discusses in Cur Deus Homo, the debt incurred by human sin, and the offense to God’s dignity, can be satisfied only if one who is both fully human and fully divine voluntarily takes it upon himself to give up his life in atonement. 

Just so, both my life and my salvation are sola gratia,  by grace alone.

No gain in turning circles to slow the world down, much less in wishing to turn back clock and calendar so as to enjoy those nineteen years all over again!
TW+  Thanks, Michelle!