Monday Evening Tuesday Morning

Yesterday afternoon was lovely spring weather, and Linda and I worked out in the front yard. She sprayed camellia plants that are covered under-leaf with some kind of mites or flies or something, then we did lots of trimming and pruning. As sunset came on we were trimming down in the lower part of the front yard, when the clear sound of the Star Spangled Banner came drifting across a very calm St. Andrew Bay from Tyndall AFB, and I snapped a photo with my iPhone. No hymn of the Church is more stirring and moving, what a perfect way to end any day of life -- and when all is said and done even life itself. 

Tuesday has come round, and our morning Bible seminar. It’s a great time, and the table is always filled even though the crowd varies a bit from week to week. 
During this Epiphany Season we’ve been exploring the Apocrypha and various books of the Apocrypha. Basically, it’s 14 or 15 books (depending on who prepared the list) of scripture that are in the Vulgate Bible and the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) but not in the Hebrew Bible. In our Bible it’s found either between the Old Testament and New Testament or tucked away after the New Testament. The Apocrypha has an interesting history, including Jerome’s role and the fact that the Protestant churches dismissed it during the 16th Century Reformation, while the Anglican Church retained it as non-canonical and valid for learning but not for doctrine. In our seminar we’ve briefly explored the books that the Episcopal Church uses in our Lectionary. We’ve checked out, as well as our two canticles that come from the Song of the Three Young Men, our Sunday readings from the Apocrypha -- and the gospel readings that they were selected to complement. 
This morning we’ll put the Apocrypha on “hold” and look at the Gospel according to Mark, the author’s tradition, history and agenda, browse through Mark’s entire gospel. Everyone is invited and welcome, doesn't matter what church folks belong to, any church or no church at all.
Next week, we’ll return to the Apocrypha and read some of the interesting stories that are hidden in there.
Gather for coffee and friendship in my conference room, 1011 E. Third Street, Panama City through the garage between 9:45 and 10:00, convene with prayer at 10:05, adjourn at 11:15 sharp. 
The garage door is always open. Don’t miss it!!
And BTW, our adult Sunday School class at Holy Nativity is doing similar things during Epiphany. 9:15 to 10:15 in the Mary Stuart Poole Library.