Sleep, Eat, Walk

Three o’clock and I’ve been up forty-one minutes, including just finished reading a Fortune online article about sleep. From the article, one thing’s sure: I’m out of synch with my chronotype, and it’s telling. I can do something about that myself, such as the walk yesterday about two o’clock instead of nap (though morning would have been better plus this incredible afternoon heat seemed deadly to be out in), decent breakfast, medium power! lunch for two that we cooked on our new electric grill out on the porch,
 and supper of half a peach, half a banana, seven bites of that green melon that I can never remember the name of. Honeydew, that's it. Small glass red wine with lunch -- a 2012 Cupcake zinfandel I got someplace really cheap, I think Sam’s.  

Now yawning, which says I need to give going back to sleep a chance instead of blogging and finishing prep of Sunday School lesson. But on Sunday morning I can’t go back to helpful sleep after three a.m., keep waking and checking the clock to make sure I’m not oversleeping. Ah, well, there’s the inviolable Sunday afternoon clergy nap. 

Mike’s at a Jesuit retreat in Atlanta, what to do in Sunday School class? We've been having a full table, great for summertime. Three lessons, 2Samuel with David being ordered not to build a temple, that his son and successor will build it (what does this suggest about the timing of 2Samuel?). The Psalm 89 selection (vss 20-37) looks to be some musician’s effort to sop up to king David by singing about him in church. Ephesians, it’s a very pious reading but I don’t like it any more than I like the very overused word “very,” which diminishes almost any conversation. And the lectionary framers have done a peculiar thing with Mark 6 about the feeding of the five thousand, namely to read the part before the feeding and the part after the feeding and skip the feeding itself. Why did they do that? Come, let’s talk about it.

Tom+ in +Time

T+ in +Time and glad of it