
75° 89% cloudy, no sky visible, just clouds. Maybe the humidity is the reason early morning felt too close to sit on 7H porch after gazing round. Out the Beck Door for PCNH and to the rail to look over StAndrews, gunshots, loud, not rapid but ten or a dozen, close by, about 3:15 no sirens following.

Friday wedding rehearsal. Saturday wedding. Sunday morning great adult SS class, good scripture basis and lively discussion, don’t like the tables crowded though so will ask for another table in the library classroom; and with new carpet installation need to sort furniture back to home spots, not a problem and maybe change something. Noon, nursing home visit with communion. Pleasant newcomers’ gathering yesterday afternoon, hosted by vestry and staff. Home to bed, might have been asleep by seven-thirty, not sure. Maybe it was eight-fifteen, IDK.

Today: walk, pills, nap, shower, breakfast, staff meeting, flu shot. Graveside service this afternoon. First day of the rest of my life. 


DThos+ shuffling along in +Time+