Tallahassee day for us, my favorite is high school and college bands, after lunch today PRISM*, “a wide array of entertainment from Chamber Winds, Symphonic Band, jazz ensembles, the Marching Chiefs and many more exciting groups … A Seminole music experience not to be missed!” Classical, jazz, marching band, pop at Ruby Diamond Concert Hall with Belovedys, overnight Hampton Inn, arising Monday morning whenever we want to, and returning to PC. 

Like finishing the best of novels, and like watching Caroline in the Lincoln High School band, PRISM always leaves me stirred with delight, happiness and memories, crushed that it’s over and time to leave. 

Sunday then, in PC, the most Bible-Bright Episcopalian I know is guiding adult SS at HNEC this morning, not to be missed. Thank you, Brian!

Outside: 60°F wind at 14 mph.
