maybe not weird

Weller, peculiar, off-the-wall, blogs odd stuff, homiletics professor at seminary critiqued "an eccentric preaching style" whatever that meant at the Time, holds wildly contradictory political sociological theological views, does not fit into a particular cubby, agrees with nobody not even himself, can't

and isn't trying to match the Rev Fr C LaFrond, whose priestly history is intriguing, lives alone with Kai-the-dog, throws beautifully artistic pottery, posts a whimsical, imaginative blog far superior to the usual self-serious religious rubbish on line

Good old boy redneck white trash notwithstanding, stand your ground allows you to stop an attack or threat, not angrily to punish shoot and kill someone who pushes you because you bullied a member of his family then turns to walk away. The world has gone off the deep end and likes it

Southport post office is closing, folks there must be terribly upset and I feel sad for them, remembering how I felt when the StAndrews Post Office closed, and when the A & P in Apalachicola closed, and when TEC came out with the new prayerbook close followed by a new hymnal with some vile new tunes. Humans like things reliable, dependable, unchanging as in the old ways were best even when they weren't. I know because I grew up there 

My second Navy tour was at Mayport Naval Station where I was Assistant to a USNR commander who was patiently waiting for his twenty years to be over, who spent every day closeted in his office sorting through piles of penny coins

that he collected and trusted me run things competently, which I did for the most part though I had a lot to learn. Of all my Navy superiors I probably liked Cdr J second best. Best was maybe the Navy captain who was my superior my first tour in WashDC. Maybe the commander who was skipper of my first ship, the destroyer: yes, going back years and years later I'd still take the same road 

Time to be on my way


My fraternity brother, best friend at college, and roommate the first semester of my senior year (he flunked out again for the second time) had a 1939 Mercury convertible. His was black, and he never put the top down because if he did it wouldn't go back up. He was a really good guy.