couple pics

A lovely light breeze drifting, wafting, through makes 75F & 82% comfortable on 7H porch early, as the moon, which appears full to me, is waxing gibbous at 100% illumination, still waxing according to the lunar calendar, but surely will be full today, tonight. 

If the moon is not quite yet, yesterday was full for a retired priest, capped after church with Sunday lunch at Fin's Japanese Sushi & Grill on 23rd Street, then afternoon watching a rainstorm to the east of us and moving northward.

Told here before, sushi, sliced raw salmon or tuna laid over a little pressed cake of rice, or the same tuna or salmon rolled in seaweed-wrapped rice appealed to me when we arrived in Japan, July 1963, so beautiful to the eye and I wanted to try it but could not get past the idea of eating raw fish until the thought process of why not because had been eating raw oysters all my years, so I tried sushi at a sushi parlor in Yokohama, then Yokosuka, then Sasebo, and was hooked for life. Artistically presented before me at Fin's along with an icy bottle of Kirin.

Calendar today: Monday morning meeting then zip to the eye center for eye exam and with the form the state of Florida sends driver license candidates over 80 to be completed by an eye doctor. My eyes are fine, I think, except that vision is not balanced eye to eye, doesn't matter for driving, but close up for reading they are enough different for me to notice, and isn't entirely corrected by reading glasses from the BX that are balanced lens to lens. 

Yesterday's sermon/homily duly posted here on +Time as promised before High Holy Nap.