
What to say/write. Yesterday was too rainy for octogenarians to venture out. Today promises equal, cloud bands from TS Gordon passing over intermittently with fierce lightning and driving rain, then clearing by and nothing. Live radar shows Apalachicola and Port St Joe getting worse than us right now, but still lots of lightning out there, "so soon passeth it away, and we are gone," thanking Psalm 90.

Speaking of, a favorite psalm verse, 

The days of our age are threescore years and ten;
and though men be so strong that thy come to fourscore years, 
    yet is their strength then but labor and sorrow,
    so soon passeth it away, and we are gone.

Owing to other solid commitments the next weekend, family are coming to help celebrate my fourscore years and three this upcoming weekend, a bit early. There'll be good things to eat, including Linda may mix, stir and bake a "German's chocolate" cake, where German's is not a nationality but a brand of chocolate. Searching the pantry (cohabits with laundry) here at 7H, she came across a bar of German's chocolate and planned to use it for the cake: the expiration date shown on the wrapper is 1998, the chocolate bar is almost a quarter old as I am.  She may set it aside, or donate it to the Smithsonian.

On my laptop last evening I watched Dunkirk in tension, suspense, high anxiety and horror, the worst to me being inside a sinking ship and unable to get out, or, while frantically swimming to escape, being caught in the water in the midst of it when spilt oil catches fire. Did I enjoy the movie? "Enjoy" is inapt, but I appreciated it and the costs and price paid by so many in an event that happened in my lifetime.

On another front, I love the FBI, but if they can devote extensive resources, man-hours, to finding a pair of shoes, I wonder if they have too many people.