The Balrog

Other people's bad or sad news becomes soon old hat, no longer of interest, not news to the rest of us, we lose interest and concern, we lose patience with them for continuing, staying, walking and breathing in place when the rest of us have moved on and are done with. 

Who has noticed, then: main roads are cleared for the most part and the public is moving on; but many back roads and neighborhood streets continue piled eight and ten feet high with construction materials and the sawn logs of tree trunks, many dwellings continue split in two by the huge pine tree still lying across top of what was someone's home, some folks continue living in tents, stunned, despairing. Many small businesses and local franchises of chains, auto parts stores, restaurants and fast-foods stand ripped apart by the winds, wrecked and closed to business, their workers no longer employed and hopeless. 

This is not A Wrinkle In Time, and we cannot: five weeks the day before yesterday, on the chart, moving into the Time of disillusionment

coming to terms and working through, expect it, a real downer; who thinks with happy talk and thoughts to skip that phase is Raca, a gardenia fool, or wealthy enough to flee and avoid what everyone else must suffer, and/or lacking the ἀγάπη that is Love Thy Neighbor. 

Gandalf: The Balrog! Fly, you fools! 

Where to flee? StAndrews Bay County, Florida: can, will this be heaven again? 

In my Time?