
Tuesday 20200225 0542CST. Maybe later, but not blogging this morning because it's my day to go with the lab slip for my 2xyearly blood draw prep to next week's 2xyearly visit to my doctor's office. Everything seems to be 2xyearly. Next week also dentist and audio lab. 

After fasting lab visit, to office to continue prep for Confirmation Classes that will be 9:15 to 10:15 three Sunday mornings, March 8, 15, 22. We will slightly modify our regular Adult Sunday School Class to incorporate a half hour of Confirmation discussion with a half hour of our regular SS, which mostly but not always is Bible study and discussion. The invitation & welcome is out in our parish: as well as regular SS folks, anyone who'd like to learn more about us as Christians, and anyone who might like to be confirmed by the bishop when he comes on Sunday, May 10th, which is Mothers' Day. 

Between lab visit and office, breakfast, but it has to be relatively light, because I still have to lose 73 pounds before my doctor's office weigh-in next Tuesday morning. No worries, I can do it, thanks in part to the helium balloon I wear under my USN Retired cap.

The small food reserve in my office includes a jar of peanut butter. Maybe I'll take a slice of xtww bread and have PB sandwich & black coffee. Crunchy peanut butter with nothing added but salt (or no salt, I can do that myself), natural even though all the oil rises to the top and has to be mixed, smeared thick on half a slice of wheat bread. I like two sliced squares of cold butter on the other half of the slice of bread, take a pinch of salt and throw it over the presentation, fold the slice of bread over and bite off a corner.  

My usual mental disarray is coming together like a rubix cube to yield Confirmation Class 2020. I can't stand to be repetitive, use the same material, teach and say the same things year after year, so every year is different; and this year will be the same.