is when
"I regret this decision, as I regret all the times in my life that I turned away from living."
Lauren Groff, "Annunciation" - The New Yorker, Feb 14 & 21, 2022, the narrating character in Groff's short story remembering an invitation she declined ages ago when, as a recent college graduate newly out on her own, she lived with the inhibitions of cultural certainties about what was wrong, sinful, disgusting, not done. If you haven't been there, you've obviously not taken Frost, "The Road Not Taken" seriously to heart. Among the creatures of God, agonizing about what might have been is unique to humans.
Robert Jenson, my seminary theology professor, said What makes me human (and not a lower animal) is that I can contemplate myself, that I can have myself as my object.
Tuesday evening, the storm clouds that ravished Tallahassee and then a bit later moved over StAndrews Bay.
A furo-sixty day. CHF is when you win today's battle but lose the war: feet and ankles oversize and skin-tight like a swollen tick. CHF is when stepping out of the shower finds you enervated, breathless, and needing a nap instead of energized and ready to challenge the day. In other news, my weight-drop regimen is successful if a bit behind schedule. Hoping you are the same.
Seems that +Time is morphing into a self-reflective journal or diary instead of a pubic weblog. I can recode it to restrict readership to myself only, have gone there from Time to Time, may get off at that bus stop again.
Life events of the last few years have rendered our Wills totally obsolete, but we don't like the indecipherable clauses clicked into a Last Will and Testament prepared in a law office anyway, we want it clear, plain, comprehendible to ourselves and our Executor. A source we've trusted for decades is Consumer Reports, and their current issue has an article on the subject, recommending Free Will as a competent site where one may prepare one's own Last Will and Testament. We've spent the last couple of days working through that, composing, refining, revising, printing, editing, redoing. A good exercise actually, that stirs thought and forces decisions.
Going through kitchen cabinets for pots and pans related to today's noon dinner of linguine with cream and cheese sauce, Linda found a large cast iron skillet with the bottom ribbed to make it a grill for cooking steaks. Which stirs the salivary glands: I've not had a good rare steak in ages, and I'm at a stage of wanting nothing to eat but rare beef and raw oysters. Well, okay, Fathers' Day is coming up this weekend, and our 65th wedding anniversary the end of June.
When people ask how many children we have, I tell them Linda has three and I have four.
It's all a matter of the heart, isn't it.
Yesterday, that opinion piece about the theodicy issue, I'd like to blog to myself about that again and more sometime soon. But as for today, I "shared" on Facebook an intriguing piece from Episcopalians on Facebook that offers the views of what is developing as Progressive Christianity, with less focus on life lived in hopes of eternal salvation and more focus on life helping make this a better world. I shared it, we'll see if anyone else was interested.
For the moment, it seems to turn this Collect upside down:
Proper 20 The Sunday closest to September 21
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.