Tuesday, five a.m., 81° partly cloudy, 84%, wind WSW 5 mph, air quality index is 120, unhealthy for sensitive groups. The full moon shot is from here in the living room. Sunrise will be at 5:40, soon, but at this moment in Time it's quite dark, and the moon still rules the night.
Early coffee, first cup with a splash of milk for a change. Breakfast not for some hours yet, will be half of a 100 calorie packet of oatmeal made with, about 50/50, water and oat milk, why not. Cooked in the microwave and stirred so the quantity is sufficient.
Not every rhetorical question deserves a question mark.
What's with the unhealthy air quality? Ages since I've read, heard or seen the word smog, and I've never felt it here, but I do remember seeing, feeling, breathing the smog in the air, and it bothering my eyes, when we lived in California 1969-1971. And my one Time driving around Denver, it would have been 1980, the highway was on a ridge above the city to my left, which I couldn't see at all, it was like looking down and out at a bowl of white soup.
The only completely clean air I recall living in was Apalachicola: clear, fresh, bit of salt. Oystermen in their boats out harvesting on Apalachicola Bay.
We are humans, our function here is to ruin everything, humanity ourselves the next mass extinction event. But, as seen in the television miniseries "Life After People", nature will clean everything in Time and refresh all: I'll bet creation and Creator can hardly wait.
Thomas Hardy's poetry comes to mind.