
See, there's no obligation to stay up late and celebrate new years, turning of clock and calendar which is entirely a human construct. There were those who thought, 24 years ago, that the arrival of the year 2000 would trigger the End Time. Their God is too small! Top. In son Joe's living room in Louisville, Kentucky, where he lives, two kitty cats warming before the fireplace. New Years Eve. Breakfast, soft-scrambled eggs, one slice bacon, one slice pan-cooked tomato, pretty much our standard Sunday morning meal. After church to Pruitt to visit Malinda. On the way home,Linda remembered someone telling online how they had come from Alabama to eat at Bayou Joe's and had a superlative seafood dinner, so we headed for Massalina Bayou; but we do not do queues, stand in lines, wait for our table to be called, so off to Captain's Table: no wait, two dozen raw half-shell oysters, a whole mullet, fried, OMG. Topping it off, Linda had the mullet fillets instead of the whole mu...