Advent: not deeply wailing
From Wednesday morning, still feeling too overwhelmed to concentrate elsewhere, but there's something on my mind. Our Advent gospel hymn, for tomorrow. A hymn I've always loved, and still love to sing in the congregation - -
By Charles Wesley, it reflects the theology of Revelation, the terror-filled apocalyptic last book in the Christian Bible. The highly doubtful theology of the second verse - -"Every eye shall now behold him, robed in dreadful majesty; those who set at nought and sold him, pierced and nailed him to the tree, deeply wailing, deeply wailing, deeply wailing, shall the true Messiah see" - -
is horrifying: a lake of fire awaits enemies of God and Jesus Christ the Lamb that was slain. And it doesn't seem that they will simply be thrown into the fire to perish instantly, it seems to be thrown into the fire to burn for all eternity. Unlike the Jesus of Gospel John, with Jesus' loving forgiveness of Peter who betrayed him, Revelation John is a story of fiery vengeance.
Yes, I love the hymn, especially to the tune "Helmsley," which we do not sing, but the second verse, which does not at all reflect the God I believe in, makes me shudder. Fortunately, the people just enjoy singing the hymns, and nobody but me pays any attention to the words.
Or perhaps not so fortunate, IDK.
Tomorrow: Advent One. At Holy Nativity, Saint Nicholas Sunday, Birthday Sunday, nothing glum, Merry Christmas!