Tuesday comes again
Good News from 1440, online news source: Poland choosing former European Council president Donald Tusk as prime minister; ousting the eight year nightmare of their nationalist populist Law and Justice government, which, having watched governments all my years, why people elect authoritarian leaders is beyond me. Don't people read history? Why does anyone want government telling them what to do? Government and people of religious certitude.
Myself a Christian cleric, I am not against religion necessarily, but I am dead set against religion and self-righteous religious who believe everyone else must be bound to live by their certainties. Leave other people alone, for Christ's sake!
And as for politics, Conservative has been refashioned as believing everyone else must be forced to do things your way, but a true Conservative believes in minimal government, that people should be left to make their own decisions about their lives.
Pic: the December edition of my coffee club was delivered yesterday, a very nice cup. Being a member of a monthly club is a treat of love that brings the celebratory event, originally Christmas, in this case my birthday, back to be enjoyed over and over again.
Linda set to it and finished decorating the Christmas Tree yesterday. Directly in front of me for the Holiday Season, a rose poinsettia, and this side of the Christmas Tree, with some of my favorite ornaments, one is a red 1948 Chevrolet pickup truck. Oh my, I wanted my father to buy a pickup truck in those days.
Also showing, Linda's display of crosses on the strip of wall between living room windows, and the Alen air filter machine, of which we have three here in 7H, along with a dual ultraviolet light system installed in the HVAC, all desperately trying to keep our atmosphere reasonably healthy.
With topics still in mind, cutting this short because I'm due at the dentist office for and eight o'clock appointment, and they are way out Jenks Avenue north 23rd Street, between 23rd and Baldwin.
Wearing, as I thought would be the case, a bandaid covering the surgical bit done on my face by the dermatologist yesterday. Lots of frozen spots, one cut out.
For life: RSF&PTL