Backpack Sunday
Our ten-thirty worship this morning is our annual “Blessing of the Backpacks.” Everyone who is starting school, students, teachers, children, young people, adults, bring their backpacks and lay them before the Altar, symbolizing the offering of our year to God and praying God’s blessing on us as we go forward. A happy event, it may be a riot, children will sing, Scripture will be read, including that most apt Bible Story in which Solomon prays for wisdom and a godly sense of ethics; some aged priest no doubt will try to be the center of attention from the pulpit, God love him. The Mass will be said and That Most Holy One who claims to be the Bread of Life, even the great I AM, will be broken and shared.
It will be a holy occasion. In the midst of the excitement, one of the most holy parts of it will be the offering and blessing of the backpacks that we will use in our Backpack Ministry this year. Once again, Holy Nativity will participate in the local ministry of filling backpacks with food for schoolchildren who have nothing to eat at home, so that they may take home with them when school lets out each Friday, a backpack loaded with food for their weekend. Agape, chesed, the lovingkindness of God in Jesus Christ does not get any warmer than this. I bid you come.