
Suffering Fools Not Gladly

Isaac. An American meteorologist goes to Cuba to monitor and report a hurricane: ice is broken and more can happen. Politicians run scared of their shadows, but relations with neighboring humans should be based on national interest and what's right, not dictated by angry exiles. If we can be friends with Germany, Japan, Vietnam, we can have a decent relationship with Cuba again after this past half-century.

Some folks never change. A recent conference reminded that some people are criminally overbearing. In the extreme case of insufferable obnoxiousness capped by thick, dense and dim of wit, one can’t help thinking of going for a rope. Suffering fools not gladly. Next time: pass, give it a miss.

Though made a scapegoat and unwelcome in Tampa, Todd Akin is not the problem but the symptom: he knocked the scab off the fester, so stuff him back in the box before people wake up. A pack of certitudinous men making laws for women makes as much sense as popes and bishops decreeing the purpose and rules of sex in marriage. There’s no difference in oppressive religion, an oppressive state, an oppressive institution; but nobody has power and authority except as their subjects and electorate tolerate. Which in every case comes to the problem: whoever gives them power. 

ITR, some Eagles have turned in their medals.

All the online news sites allow comments on their reports and articles, just scroll down and stupidize. NYT, TWP, CNN, Yahoo! Most comments and back & forth are shallow and indicative of Zero Base. Get a life. 

Taliban: evil, judgmental, fundamentalist tyranny beheading 17 people at a party for music and dancing. Every society has its evil, judgmental, fundamentalist political fringe element, including ours. Not quite as extreme yet only because we haven’t given them control yet. 

Besse Cooper, age 116, has it right: avoid junk food and mind your own business.
