
Every time the liturgy is changed on a Sunday morning it gets bollixed up by the celebrant, namely, me. Because there was Holy Baptism at ten-thirty yesterday, parts of eight o’clock worship were changed: asperges (sprinkling holy water), skip Psalm 51 and incorporate it in the sermon as part of the washing, read the Ephesians lesson myself after an interminable pause due to neglecting to tell the confused lector we were skipping the psalm. Baptismal Covenant and Prayer for the Candidates replacing the Nicene Creed, Prayers of the People and Confession of Sin. Afterward, apology to the lay ministers and was told no problem, with you we just go with the flow. Folks are most gracious and nobody called me spacey. Air conditioning not working in Battin Hall, hellishly hot but good cake and great company.
Baptism Eucharist at ten-thirty the usual circus, but by keeping my mind focused, few goof ups. Met the baptism family on the sidewalk out front and in procession escorted them down the aisle to their pew, Tom walked down the aisle with me as a sign of homecoming to HNEC, Gospel of Signs and a goofy sermon, children gathered round the Font as choir sang “Shall we gather at the river,” baptized Reagan Ashleigh, everybody got sprinkled with holy water from the River Jordan, and the people were warned not to tell the Rector what goes on when he’s away. Afterward, light a votive candle with the baptism family, and photos at the Altar.
Arrived home without cellphone and glasses. WTH? Glass of red wine and Sunday dinner with beloveds, long nap, horrific news from Wisconsin on TV but the good news was Murray's Gold. Back to the church late afternoon for cellphone and glasses: they were not in the vesting room where I’d left them. Commenced hunt. Not in choir room, not in sacristy, not on Altar, not in restroom, not at pulpit, not at clergy chair. Rising concern: surely nobody took my cell phone. Walk around sanctuary, there they are on the table at the back. What in the world? How did they get there? Whatever was I thinking? Sign:an absent mind.

Afternoon downpour and the new retention pond is half full of water. As it happens, the Episcopal Church would like to reclaim immersion, maybe this is a sign and a fine new baptistry. 

Home, light supper, early to bed. 
This morning it all comes back to me. Seeing Carla and Frank coming through the greeting line after church, Carla holding Christian, I laid glasses and cellphone aside and took the baby from Carla. He’s eleven pounds now, and perfect.
When there’s a baby around, all other thoughts flee. You have to hold them while they’re little, because they grow up fast and too soon don’t want to be held and nuzzled and hugged and smooched.