D.L. and the Pigs

D.L. and the Pigs

Shell Island Sunday for our church! Almost everyone boats across the Bay for a day of beach, surf, sand and sun. Fellowship, chicken, worship and fun. Beer, wine and Demon Rum? This is the Episcopal Church. 

BTDT? Take heart! Worship as ever back at the church, eight o’clock and ten-thirty.

From Luke, today’s gospel is the story of Jesus crossing the sea and stepping out of his boat only to be confronted by the Wild Man of Geresa. Ominously, mysteriously calling himself Demon Legion, he is a fearsome creature of terrible strength who rips off his chains and roams the graveyard under the full moon, terrorizing the townsfolk, who themselves are shepherds of swine. A strange tale of demons and pigs, it is not a pretty scene. 

Miss it at your peril.


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