Ohio State president resigns after rebuke

Go Blue

Nothing is as certain as certitude, and Gordon Gee of OSU is as pompously, arrogantly certitudinous as one gets, with his telling snickering garbage mouth about Catholics; which defines him, and his religion, and now the university he heads. His snide remark about the SEC can be excused as B1G rivalry, but why didn’t he just say the en-word too and be done with it, and collect his severance package on his way out as the door slammed him in the bee-you-tee-tee as in Pork Butt. It’s less what GeeGee said than that what GeeGee said tells the world what GeeGee is and therefore what OSU is: the bigot PhD president of a major university saying what one might expect to overhear in the lockerroom while stupidly assuming nobody has a cellphone recording. 

Leave GeeGee snickering, whining, groveling, sniveling, apologetically swinging in the wind. If they let him stay, nothing more ever need be said about that school down south or their trustees, Doctor President GeeGee will have said it all. If Catholics on the Buckeye squad had fortitude they'd force MoonMouth out: no football till he's gone, because GeeGee=OSU and OSU=GeeGee.

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Bleacher Report names all time best coaches for every CFB team, Bear at both Bama and Kentucky, Spurrier at both UF and USCarolina, Bowden at FSU, JoPa at PennState fired for being tragically naive and modest and looking away from the unthinkable unspeakable in a far more innocent era. Woody Hayes at OSU, and the game was more fun with the Bo and Woody Show, but I watched Woody slug a man in the face on camera -- today the press would asininely say "allegedly hit a man" for chrissake even though we saw it -- and his record includes slugging two others: OK for the temper, every coach has a temper, every priest has a temper, but there's no place in CFB for a petulant bully throwing fits and fist in the same temper tantrum. Properly, OSU fired Woody the next morning, and love him or hate him, or love to hate him, CFB was well rid of Woody Hayes, God rest his Michigan-hating soul in -- maybe GeeGee will pray him out of purgatory.

Go Blue, and still missing Bo Schembechler.

OSU had the guts to fire Woody. 
GeeGee, OSU?

* Or maybe not so major.

Culture evolves. In my grandparents' day it was drumstick and upper joint and white meat, never leg or thigh or (God-forbid) breast. It's still never b-u-t-t unless one is at the grocery story, in which case "pork butt" is barely acceptable. Otherwise it's still posterior or even behind. But -- some day culture will have evolved so far that it will be OK to call a butt a butt without getting sent to the office.

And "moonmouth"? It's GeeGee showing his a_ _ (still not acceptable unless it's Abraham saddling his ass for the trip to Moriah).