More Tea, Vicar?

More tea, Vicar?

When everybody has an opinion, some idiot priest’s opinion adds no value. Nonetheless

Stranded in a Moscow air terminal this morning, Putin inviting him, Edward Snowden did not go to NSA and discover trouble, he went in planning espionage. His treason dishonoring his trusted top secret clearance may cost American lives. Lapping up the spotlight, promoting himself to CelebrityHero, and running for his life, he's a self-important little man. But sow’s ear cowards don’t make silk purse heroes. The heroes are Keith Alexander and others who despite all the flak are stopping terrorists and helping keep Americans safer. Snowden? To the Wall. 

Support our government? Negotiating with Taliban is the moral equal of negotiating with Nazis. These, who behead boys, and kill villagers who dance, and shoot mothers who steal bread for hungry children, and shoot teenage girls who want to go to school, are earth’s most evil subhumans since Hitler and gang. Negotiate with these “people”? If we want to leave Afghanistan leave and let Karzai the Clown fall, which he will. But negotiating with Taliban takes us to their moral level.

More tea, Vicar?

Zimmerman v. Martin. Stand Your Ground granted, regardless of legal rights, there’s no moral right to shoot a man if you go looking for trouble and provoke him into a fight. 

Vicar! MORE TEA?

Texas abortion bill filibustered to death. We tend to favor only our own filibusters.

Texas to celebrate 500th execution today by putting a woman to death. I ...

Two Supreme Court decisions involving gay marriage are coming this morning. They ...


Thank you. Milk, no sugar, please.