Ships passing not in the night

Ships coming and going: first time since living here we've witnessed two sizable vessels meeting and passing in the channel right off our porch, directly in front of us. There was no exchange of horn signals indicating otherwise, and they will pass port to port, the convention. Ship on the right, with her superstructure and bridge in her bow, is headed east toward the hairpin turn and out to sea. Ship on the left is headed west and toward the channel's sharp turn and on to the Port of Panama City. In the background: Davis Point, with its memories.

2016 Lent Term: the second session of our Tuesday Morning Bible Seminar gathers this morning. As is generally the case, we have a nice size group for lively discussion, but still and always plenty of room at the table for whoever would like to come, so this is our open and ongoing invitation. Mary Stuart Poole Library at HNEC, ten o’clock to eleven-fifteen.

This morning we’ll finish last time’s opening discussion of Luke’s christology, and I have five more examples for us to consider: did the evangelist, author of the Gospel according to Luke actually have as low a christology as scholars have been telling us these past maybe two hundred years or so, or are there hints otherwise? 

A few minutes to think on that; then, seeing it’s Lent, we’ll pick up our journey as Jesus arrives in Jerusalem and spend our sessions until Palm Sunday with him there ministering toward his destiny: 

VI. Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem (19:28-21:38)
  A. Entry, lament over Jerusalem and cleansing of the temple (19:28-46)
  B. Reaction to Jesus: Hostility and acceptance (19:47-48)
  C. Teaching: Controversies with authorities(20:1-21:4)
  D. Teaching: Fate of Jerusalem, persecutions, end time (21:5-38)

VII. Passion of Jesus (22:1-23:56a)
  A. The empty tomb (23:56b-24:12)
  B. Appearance on the road to Emmaus (24:13-35)
  C. Appearance commissioning the disciples (24:36-49)
  D. Jesus is taken up into heaven (24:50-53)

I want to finish our study of the gospel with Luke’s presentation of resurrection and ascension, because during the Easter Season this year, Lectionary Year C, we have our opportunity that comes round once every three years, to read and discuss Revelation, the Apocalypse.


"... for whoever would like to come" is a prepositional phrase and it's mine, so I'm making "whoever" nominative, the subject; not accusative and "whomever" as I would if there were nobody who would like to come; like it or lump it.