
Friday sunrise in the western sky:

Catching up with us without even running, age bested Robert this morning, staying off a leg. So instead of long walk, I went to Walmart for oysters. Surprise: two kinds in the chill case, Virginia oysters distributed from Florida and the usual Willamette, Washington oysters. I bought both, stewed the easterners, oysters and their liquor for breakfast. Dry crackers.

Greenwood opens early. On the way home from Walmart I turned off 23rd Street down Lisenby and went by to visit Bill, Norman and Tom. Clock: 7:12 and the sign on the locked gate still as always reads 7 AM to Dusk, but as with all of life, just because the sign says it, that don’t make it so. Turned around at the locked gate and drove on home. Later. Or, another day.

What then? Lent, eh? Hear a confession, chastise a non-penitent sinner, assign penance, withhold Absolution, and crawl self-righteously back into the woodwork. 

Go in peace, and pray for me, a sinner.


Remember these? I do. Fall 1957, two newlyweds stopped by the new Edsel showroom somewhere in Rhode Island between Newport and Providence. The brochure may still be in my old car trunk.