to clap hands or to kick butt

You have things that bother you, and I have things that worry me, and one that has been seriously bothering is that Sep&Oct of Hurricane Season is coming round again, and the awareness is treating me just as my mind did back in November 1993 upon driving again right after I had a car crash that totaled my car. There's a name for it, and I suppose it's the same reluctance as getting back on a horse after having been thrown: one just has to go ahead and do it or the reluctance can quickly become an aversion, a phobia, a mental illness.

At the start of hurricane season, the storms generally form as they come into the Atlantic off the west coast of Africa. And for the most part they seem either to curve northward and go off harmless to land or up our east coast, or to come straight across the ocean and into the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico and still heading west before plowing into Texas or perhaps a bit northwestward along the Gulf coast; but passing by us. 

But by September and October of hurricane season, we seem to be into storms that form in the Gulf of Mexico or Caribbean and head north, threatening from Apalachee Bay to the Mississippi Delta, every so often heading our way and into us. I don't know what roll of his dice causes Father Nature to pick us.

Anyway, the reason for these bothersome thoughts is clear: Hurricane Michael struck the fear of God, and now what, it's that Time again?

The storm was nearly the worst I could have imagined or wished never to experience, almost because it could have made landfall slightly more to the west, say five or seven miles west of where it did, as the next one could or well may. But what gets me even more is the failure of the weather scientists with their intricate systems and different colored spaghetti lines, to know and warn that it was going to strengthen overnight and come in as a category five hurricane. And also to know and warn us that, instead of the worst winds being on the right, east side of the eye, the worst winds would be on the left side of the eye wall, and why, and whether to see and in future expect this as a new phenomenon.

So now I read in the NYT this morning - - from their daily list of five things I need to know, but for which my reading they warn me that I now only have two more free articles this month so I'd better pay money and subscribe or else, for which they can go to aitch, I'm not getting into that eternal trap, we're already in it for NetFlix for our house that was destroyed by HMichael and I can't figure out how to cancel it without canceling the credit card - - that NOAA has installed, or is in process of installing, a new major system that will help increase the accuracy of their bad weather forecasting, and that they've been working on this since 2012 when Hurricane Sandy devastated NYC, meanwhile the European system has been so much better and more accurate than ours? I mean, Better Than Ours is known and tolerated for long years and we're finally getting around to correcting ours, it's about alphabet Time, eh? So Whether to clap hands or kick butt, that is the question.

Anyway again, here's the link to that piece in the NYT this morning.