Laszlo, this is heaven Definition of nuts: anyone who thinks there’s anything better to read on a plane or a rainy day than The New Yorker magazine. Other maybe than some novels. I like Heinrich Böll, have read lots, maybe all his short stories, IDK, am contemplating whether to order a seventy-nine cent copy of The Silent Angel through Amazon. Only problem with a free book or a penny book is the $3.99 shipping. Clearing the computer desktop somewhat this morning. Many icons I seldom or never open but don’t want to trash so tuck them away in files. In a hundred years someone opening this computer may wonder, “Who was twellerpc and why was s/he saving ‘I don’t need anything here’ by Laszlo someone unpronounceable, and Garth Brooks ‘The Dance’ and this rubbish about somebody named Werckmeister and a dear and nostalgic 1950 visit with Ernest Hemingway by Lillian Ross (1918-2017) https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1950/05/13/how-do-you-like-it-now-gentlemen (that reminds me of...