At 3:22 a friend who cares about me, yes there are people like that, emailed me “no blog” and jolted me to some degree of mental alertness, what happened? am I okay? Yep, the coast is clear, but what happened?
Now I remember. Rising about two o’clock this morning to visit with Father Nature, on returning to bed to go back to sleep I had a homiletic thought that gnawed until I got up, fixed coffee, and drafted the nonsense for my next time in the pulpit. Time that was done, six o’clock, sleepiness had returned so back to bed for an octogenarial morning nap that lasted until ten-thirty. Then car to the shop because of the little “change oil soon” light, and the next time the blog came to mind was an hour ago when I picked up my iPhone and opened email “no blog.” Nope, all is well. It’s just that my thinking ability was used up between two and six and it didn’t occur to me to use my brain again until after my late afternoon project, what?
Reading PCNH daily comics and Sunday comics that have been piling up on the table by my chair for the last six weeks. Reading in reverse chronology, I got two-thirds of it done, maybe finish tomorrow. I would just toss them but ‘For Better or Worse” I need to be filled in about Michael Patterson and his sweetheart from summer camp.
What happened? Were you there? I was. Does anybody besides me remember the crippling shyness, the fear to take a chance?! It was the anguish of being a teen.
DThos+ seemingly a century on
Now I remember. Rising about two o’clock this morning to visit with Father Nature, on returning to bed to go back to sleep I had a homiletic thought that gnawed until I got up, fixed coffee, and drafted the nonsense for my next time in the pulpit. Time that was done, six o’clock, sleepiness had returned so back to bed for an octogenarial morning nap that lasted until ten-thirty. Then car to the shop because of the little “change oil soon” light, and the next time the blog came to mind was an hour ago when I picked up my iPhone and opened email “no blog.” Nope, all is well. It’s just that my thinking ability was used up between two and six and it didn’t occur to me to use my brain again until after my late afternoon project, what?
Reading PCNH daily comics and Sunday comics that have been piling up on the table by my chair for the last six weeks. Reading in reverse chronology, I got two-thirds of it done, maybe finish tomorrow. I would just toss them but ‘For Better or Worse” I need to be filled in about Michael Patterson and his sweetheart from summer camp.
What happened? Were you there? I was. Does anybody besides me remember the crippling shyness, the fear to take a chance?! It was the anguish of being a teen.
DThos+ seemingly a century on