Monday Pensacola 1.1

Not a medical person nor even understanding basic medical information, I have a hard time unless someone explains to me. Something about daily doppler scan as I get it, measures tension in the brain, which is up slightly, enough to watch, against the ongoing risk of stroke. Malinda is doing beautifully, even complaining to the medics about When can I go home? and that sort of thing. The neurosurgeon was away for the long weekend but one doctor, a neurologist, said if all goes well for and with Wednesday's surgery she should be able to move to in house care fairly quickly. 

Tending in shifts, Linda & me daytime, Ray and Britany nighttime, we have a room with two beds, and overlap at the hospital but not at the room. L & I are back at Hampton Inn for the evening now. Our intent, tentative, is, check in at the hospital tomorrow Tuesday morning, if all is still well, we may drive to PC to check mail, pay bills, wash clothes, pick up a list of items at 7H, do any storm cleanup at 7H and check M's house for storm.

When we did this last Wednesday, we found the drive over and back extremely therapeutic for both of us, a break somewhat from constant ICU watch. Having had "ICU psychosis" in Cleveland Clinic, I wonder but what family spending days and weeks with a loved one in the ICU can develop something somewhat related psychologically that makes you crazy. R&B will be in the room with M if we go. If we get to go it should be helpful to us, alleviating.

sTS Alberto basically a nonevent here today, at least what we saw of it from SICU471 window looking south. A few bands of storm clouds sweeping by with wind and rain, but on National Hurricane Center website we watched it move ashore right past 7H into and across Laguna Beach now heading north to wreak whatever.  

To friends, loved ones, neighbors, family and strangers near and far who are holding my child up in prayer and thanksgiving, my debt to you is forever.