Monday Pensacola 1.2

We were greatly pleased with Malinda's progress today and pray that it will continue. Though sleepy and sleeping most of the time, she had moments of being awake and fairly alert. Knew each of us. Good movement of limbs, hands and fingers, feet and toes. Good eye focus. Could get out "Dad" and the rest of us almost undertone but nevertheless. All vitals good today. About midday she was moved to a recliner chair and was still there at 4:30 pm, but was to be moved back to her bed by five o'clock. Late in the day she answered correctly when her nurse asked her name and date of birth. Tomorrow her medical doctor will want to see her swallow and hear her answer some questions.

We are still day to day and not out of the woods. Major surgery is ahead, open Malinda's skull to clip the aneurysm that burst and that Saturday morning could only be quickly repaired without unacceptably deadly risk. More surgery two or three months from now, assuming. Her surgeon has done two thousand of these and is positive and inspires our confidence, optimism and hope. Malinda will be sixty next month, we are her parents, she is still and forever our first child and little girl. The relief so far brings me to tears, and looking at the future scares the hell out of me. I know some daddies who will understand. Prayers: thank you, loved ones, friends and neighbors. 

The good news: my child is alive. RSF&PTL.
