shall be well

Friday Pensacola 1.0

Here in CVICU471 of SacredHeart, where God's angels work, Malinda is napping, was awake early and sitting up in the recliner chair, breakfast of scrambled eggs, grits, ...  Linda is in the waiting area chatting with a friend, I think Pat. Ray was here overnight, arrived from PC a bit later than expected due to car problem on I-10 on the way back, but all is well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. 

Chatting with me yesterday, Malinda remembered exactly when the aneurysm ruptured, because she recalled the sudden extreme intense pain in the back of her head. Remembered the time, between seven and eight o'clock last Thursday evening, significantly longer that the hemorrhaging went on than the Friday afternoon that we had thought. We have passed that new information on to the doctors in case it's significant to the neurosurgeon's understanding symptoms, greater swelling and amount of accumulated blood in and around the brain than normal expectation.

Still and all, the doctor is optimistic, considering raising her success estimate for the next procedure from 80 to 90%. If in the beginning God created ex nihilo as some translations of Genesis 1:1 render, God's angels can surely work with 90%?

My truth is, and Malinda and I discussed this briefly this morning before she drifted off into this nap, that midnight last Friday/Saturday as I watched the EMTs loading the gurney with her strapped onto it for that trip to Pensacola, and closed the doors, I expected never to see her alive again. There are worst moments in everyone's life, and so far that was when mine started. Previously, omitting details, it was May 12, 2015, let the reader understand. 

Faith and assurance of Julian of Norwich as in porridge.