Tuesday Pensacola 1.1

Malinda had an exhausting day, with the PT techs having her up and trying to walk, a challenge after twelve days off her feet, and with the ICU nurse trying to acclimate her back to knowing day from night. In the chair all day long when not being pressed to do things, she fell asleep late afternoon, was moved from chair to bed, and when we left the hospital a bit ago (Kristen staying in the room overnight) she was totally zonked out. 

We will post updating as things move forward tomorrow.

Linda and I had a useful and healthily restful day driving from Pensacola to PC, doing a number of chores, and driving back. Leaving Pensacola at 7:00 this morning, about two hours in PC, we were back in Malinda's room by, I think, 2:30 this afternoon.