Tuesday Pensacola 1.0

Tuesday Pensacola 1.0

Cute pictures of Lillie on FB this morning, I know that Ray will show Malinda. Yesterday she smiled at hearing Lillie's voice via iPhone. 

Right now we are down to one car: Yesterday, Britany left for PC, Tass left for Tallahassee, Kristen left for PC, all arrived safely, some are coming right back, some later in the week, but currently just Ray, Linda and me here. Ray at hospital with Malinda.

Malinda sleeping long and waking for moments, we didn't want her to wake up in her room without one of us there with her, therefore last evening before Kristen had to leave, she stayed in the room with her mom while Ray drove us to the motel and went right back to the hospital so Kristen could leave before dark. 

Last evening Ray texted that Malinda had said to him, "shut off the lights, please," a very good sign indeed after horrifying aneurysm event, and later last evening Ray texted and Carol posted, that Malinda asked for, and was sipping, ginger ale. 

All being well, Ray is to come back and get us at eight o'clock this morning unless the doctor is in the room or expected imminently. 

Last night a friend texted "look after yourself," which is necessary. They also serve who only stand and wait might be rephrased they also tire who only sit or pace anxiously! last evening I was asleep by six o'clock, dreamless, awake by four and still not ready to be awake: in a world of anxiety and fear, there is mercy in sleep, and momentary peace.

Visit of bishop, cousins, notes from loved ones, friends and neighbors, all signs of caring including likes on FB, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Still major, major work ahead, day to day, hour to hour. And yet for us a wonder of Creator and creation: beloved one alive, aware, moving all fingers and toes, and communicating 72 hours after cerebral hemorrhage. And God saw that it was good.