Saturday Pensacola 1.1

Saturday Pensacola 1.1

Malinda may be quite tired, gave us a terrible fright late this afternoon. Chatting with us she had a bit of fever and while the nurse went for pills, M fell almost instantly asleep. For the first time, the nurse could not waken her to take pills and water, she could not be roused and seemed to fall totally unconscious and unresponsive. The ICU physician was summoned and we feared that M had suffered a stroke or that the second aneurysm had ruptured, and Malinda was whisked away for CTScan of the brain while we all thought the worst, an extremely tense time. 

As it happened, Malinda woke upon arriving back in her room from the brain scan, and became alert and conversant again. About half-past-nine this evening, the ICU physician, the new one for the evening shift, came in and told us nothing had happened, that she conceivably was very tired from the day, including maybe too much activity with loved ones coming and going and talking. 

At any event, the day was overly tense and frightening, but we are relieved and, relieved, are as well as might be expected this evening.