

Another as-it-happens morning, my memory of the last one still sharp, Weldon Faull rigging up rabbit ears on an old portable black and white TV in the office at Grace Church that 9/11 morning so the small group of us working there could see what was happening at the Twin Towers in New York. 

One Boston bombing suspect dead, manhunt on for the second, hoping he is taken alive for information. News says they are brothers, from Chechnya, in the US a couple of years or more, older one 26, an engineering student at a Boston area college, his brother 19 years old, the younger one at large. They evidently planned more murders, not having fled the neighborhood where they planted the bombs on Monday, well-stocked with explosives and firearms, but to rob a 7-11 says they are not financed unless they used all their financing on firepower. 

That they are reported Muslim adds anguish to the nightmare. That they are so young and filled with hatred and bent on hurting people.

From our family, April 19th is the day our Patty died, Sunday morning four years ago. And that is in our hearts.

Kyrie, eleison.