62° & cloudy

What with all the travel trailers we see, folks living in, sites all over Panama City and Bay County in the wake of Hurricane Michael, I keep fondly recalling our middle Navy years with our travel trailer, 1966 to 1969 in Virginia and Rhode Island. How get-away wonderful it was then, and could it possibly be again - 

not that I need to get away from 7H, the ten month HMichael Exile was enough away time. Besides, I'm no longer interested in owning, much less towing, a travel trailer, nor even in having one located permanently on a site somewhere, a destination vacation ready and waiting: I'd have to get there and back. It's just the idea of it; and if one could be instantly there, and instantly here - - like the transporter room on Star Trek, or a Portkey from Harry Potter. Floo Powder, no, I'd need to have a fireplace installed here, and (a) there's not room and (b) I don't want one, been there done that with fireplaces. But a place in Maine and one in Rhode Island and the ability instantaneously to be there. I'd go now while Linda's out shopping,

sip coffee, look out on Narragansett Bay and listen to the bell buoy, and be back in time for lunch.

Maybe that sort of space travel somewhere in a future Time. Maybe even travel in Time itself. No traveling to a future that the universe itself hasn't yet arrived at, pardon the preposition; but maybe into the Past. Or maybe not: even after her death, Emily's visit to the day of her 12th birthday* was an emotional catastrophe. The other spirits advised her against it, but she was adamant, and had it, but broke down and had to cut it off. So, no. 

There's a choice of lectionary readings for the upcoming Sunday. Proper 26C:

Habakkuk 1
Psalm 119:137-144 (the psalm is an acrostic, the reading is the eight tsadeh** verses, in Hebrew each verse begins with the letter and sound "ts")
2 Thessalonians 
Luke 19:1-10

or All Saints Day Year C:

Daniel 7
Psalm 149 ( a hallel - begins and ends with hallelujah, alleluia, or praise the Lord, depending on the translation)
Ephesians 1
Luke 6

As someone said, it's all good. I suspect we'll be doing All Saints Day, naming before God our dear ones who died since All Saints Day 2018. 

Me, looking out at rainy StAndrewsBay, I'm still sort of taken with the notion of visiting Newport for an hour or so this morning. It's sixty-two and cloudy, rain in the forecast.

*Emily Webb Gibbs, Our Town
