Savannah Monday

In our younger years driving eleven hours was quite common, home to Panama City from Washington DC, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, ... But these years we find a six hour drive well more than enough. Most of our driving travels now include an overnight at a motel enroute. Leaving Raleigh yesterday then, instead of straight home and stopping enroute we drove to Savannah. This is the Bohemian Hotel, seventh floor, river front, balcony. Three ships passed huge yesterday, another just now, all large container vessels. This morning, AKRITA, Hong Kong. Not having mastered combining photos and blogging on iPad, tomorrow I may share some photos. Our discretionary time is short these days, so with my mother at Community Health & Rehab we have a +Time opportunity.

Time passes too quickly, doesn't it. Cove School, Bay High, dating, university, marriage, Navy, children, adventures all over, seminary, parish years, Cleveland, and +Time. "There is a time for everything under heaven," says Koheleth, the Preacher of Ecclesiastes. This morning it's +Time for watching ships pass.


Photo: ship passing our balcony, twilight Sunday evening, May 8, 2011