Sure Is Nice

Sure is nice!  

Rising early has always been a joy. But toward the end of Ordinary Time my rising hour ranged one o’clock in the morning to three o’clock. No point in denying that there was anxiety. But getting up early was also a privilege so as to waste as little of remaining time as possible. Rise, cup of coffee, write a blog post.

From the end of Ordinary Time, that too early routine continued through Stoppage Time. Went on into +Time but on doctors’ orders orange juice instead of coffee. Three or four or five hours sleep with a mandatory long afternoon nap. Until last week. 

Somehow, for reason or reasons, eight or nine hours sleep happened. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday just happened. Sure was nice. Arriving home, for reason or reasons, the old habit tried to reassert and conquer. But it’s the enemy, isn’t it! Fight back! Fight back. Stay in bed. Go back to sleep. Even though it means the blog post is later than in the old time. A new +Time resolve.

Don’t call 911 and send the EMTs. Life Is Good. Even on Friday the Thirteenth.