

The word arrives in Verdana, but seeing that Verdana was designed for Microsoft and this is a MacBook and using Pages, let’s look elsewhere. This morning perhaps American Typewriter by Joel Kaden simply because I like the old fashioned looking lower case g, and even though American Typewriter has no italics setting. Maybe a project for Lent will be to search for a respectable but free sans serif with g in that style, one that isn't bizarre and that has italics available. Maybe not.

Anyway -- BTW, why do idiots making comments online say “anyways”, which is not a word (not yet, but unfortunately soon will be)? Like “online”, which no longer requires a hyphen -- anyway, today’s word is archetype, which as said, arrived in Verdana. Archetype probably is not very useful. Maybe I can work it into my next sermon. Wednesday’s “hagiarchy” (rule by holy persons) was excellent and would have been especially so for Thursday, it being Pope Benedict’s last day and all. Later today he’ll helicopter off to some castle and seclude there until his new accommodation is ready. What if the new Pope excommunicates him for continuing to wear white? He’ll be just an ordinary person tomorrow, what entitles him to keep on wearing white after he's no longer the Vicar of Christ? If Joe Ratzinger can wear a white overcoat with wide lapels anyone can wear one, eh? Maybe white overcoats with wide lapels will become a counter-culture fad instead of just a grostesquerie of the hagiarchy. That's the ugliest, most hideous overcoat I ever saw in my life. A hippy's dreamcoat.

But on to the point. Monday’s word was logophile (one who loves words). For anyone who loves words and logos an even better word is logology. And scrolling down led to a thought by Kahlil Gibran. Never heard of Khalil/Kahlil until years ago a young couple had a reading by Gibran instead of a Bible reading in their wedding ceremony. Worked for me. Gibran comes to mind this morning and I’ve downloaded “The Madman” (should be italicized, Kaden, drawing a line under it is not acceptable), and will check to see if “The Prophet” also can be downloaded free of charge. In the U.S. it won’t be in the public domain until 2018 but it already is in Europe. Maybe I can download from a UK website without going to prison. No worries, I have good lawyers.

Above: this morning. Just now.