Sequitur & Non

Sequitur & Non

Pistorius murders Steenkamp in a fit of anger
South Africa reportedly enjoys the world’s highest incidence of gun violence homicides, every home armed to the teeth and shooting to kill, statistically family members and loved ones. The Blade Runner case and cause celebre. Had Pistorius been a student of Marcus Aurelius he’d still be loving Reeva. But quarrel, fury, murder and frantic CYA of lies. 

Christopher Dorner stalked potential targets
Dorner chose seething rage over life, and mindless vengeance over joy. Half dozen essays of Marcus could have cleared his path to fullness. Instead, senseless murders and a bullet to his own head to evade conflagration. 

Two stories metaphorical for the world at large and wasted lives. Most useful reading for anyone jousting with everyday life, self-importance, tiffs and worries of the world: Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome from 161 to 180 AD and Stoic philosopher.

Cardinal Saint: Thomas

Cardinal Sin: certainty

Cardinal Virtue: doubt