... but no ...

Shame but No Apocalypse

Shame, isn’t it, disgraceful that sports in America, especially football -- at least that’s the one I’ve cared most about or paid most attention to since MLB faded decades ago -- shame that football and sports don’t lead in morality instead of responding to morality. Jameis the Jewel won’t be playing at all today instead of penalized half a game. It isn’t just CFB. Yesterday the commissioner, whom we looked at but muted because enough already, made his excuses for himself and NFL. Was it money and winning all along, or wasn’t there a time when honor, honesty and integrity were the rules of the game. No, there never was such a time, it’s something we say in church and Boy Scouts that has no meaning for life as we live it. And far back as you can go, every generation decries the new immorality. 

Yea, even God's ownself. Even unto Marcus Aurelius.

Am I ashamed to be American? Hell no and I am and have been as normally inhuman as you lot, close but no cigar and I too haven't tried all that hard either. So, Genesis 6:5-7, why hasn't there been another Flood? 

Oh, I almost forgot, Genesis 9:11. But then, James Baldwin said The Fire Next Time. Who doesn’t smell smoke needs to have eyes to see and ears to hear and watch the News.