Life Is Good

Life Is Good

If Life is to be not simply Good but Better, Best to be comparative, superlative, Life might include some treats, eh? Friday morning we stopped at Somethin’s Cookin’ and caught my eye a treat that Linda totally forbids, liverwurst, as heart unhealthy, so I no longer eat it. As a child I loved liverwurst sandwiches, thick on bread with butter. The liverwurst my mother bought was sliced, and you peeled the protective string of fat off each slice; this was just the little sausage.

Anymore the only time I had liverwurst in recent years was a long October weekend Linda and Pat went to the church women’s conference at Blue Lake up near Andalusia, and that was several years ago. She never suspected and if she doesn’t read this blog post my secret is still good. 

But there it was Friday morning at Somethin’s Cookin’, Deutschland über alles, the real thing, just a tiny sausage, and I bought it for my 90th birthday treat in case I don't make ninety. Jeremy helped me eat it, and I ate the last bit as early breakfast with black coffee from beans Becky brought Tass from Tanzania.

Monday mornings Robert and I walk, maybe an extra mile for the Leberwurst. Home to shower, then to staff meeting at church, home again to pore over the Gospel of Peter for tomorrow morning’s Bible Seminar.