Carroll Redux

Last evening Linda sez to me, she sez sez she, we need to move around more. What, I sez to her, I sez sez I, speak for yourself, I walk healthy Monday dawn and Friday dawn and am restoring Wednesday for a short stroll, why must I walk Tuesday evening? But no, we put on shoes and I my Gamecocks cap and away we go, down the elevator, out the gate, north on Bayview to 12th thence Beck to Enzo’s Pizza. A 20 second run for Robert in his Boston Marathon prime took us twenty minutes. Two glasses of ice water, shared one iceberg lettuce salad (I’m eating iceberg lettuce salad long years and Enzo’s with extra dressing is tops), shared one tiny 8” individual thin pizza supreme as Linda’s not into anchovies. 

On the Bay side I have the best view in Harbour Village (the “u” in “harbour” is why the condos are dear and HOA fee pricey) and on the Beck side I have the best view of where I grew up except that the railroad depot was pulled down sometime during my Navy years. St. Andrews: a perfect selection of little restaurants all walking distance, and we do walk. Monday evening to ShrimpBoat for supper with friends, Ryan my first extra grandson who's now 16 (FB pic), Tuesday evening Enzo's, and on the way home I snap a promise of things to come. 

For their new location the property fronts on Beck at 13th and backs up to Lake Ware, and they’re saving the several largest trees. St. Andrews, from fishing village to restaurant heaven. Hey, maybe I’m already dead and there.

Naanh. You are old, Father Weller, the young man said, and your hair has become very white. In restaurant heaven I again have black hair, 29 inch waist, eating oysters half-shell.
