Monday come & gone

That there’s no morning blogpost doesn’t mean call 911, life was busy inside the octogenarian corpus. If you scratch it with a pin, there's still a Being under there. Late rising, leisurely black & dark, watch Harvey on TV, walk long enough to quell conscience, home for shower and blueberry pancakes left over from Saturday morning, staff meeting & visit, consultation & lunch with young friend I have watched from age two to the edge of adulthood, home to watch ship pass west of StAndrews Marina, nap from 1:30 to 4:00.

Late supper: sandwich of rye bread, mayo, six fried oysters left over from lunch, eight slices prosciutto spread atop, final slice rye bread. Large mug iced coffee with chicory. Watch tug tow two barges through pass into StAndrewsBay to do his dance lining them up for tomorow’s pushing in the channels. At the moment, tug & barges are poised, possibly for the night, off Davis Point from 7H.

All Not Quiet on the Northern Front. ACD Festival and auctions. In my memories, a 1937 Cord 810 next to my grandfather’s 1942 Chrysler Windsor on the corner at East Hill Baptist Church, Pensacola in the 1940s when I was a boy. 

Cord later sold the tooling to Graham-Paige, who used it to produce the 1941 Graham Hollywood.

Ultimate in automotive perfection, Duesenberg. One for $2.5 million.

And Monday 20170828 fades into history.
