Kyrie eleison
Nice out here on 7H porch, 80°F, no wind or even slight breeze. Coffee earlier, managed to sleep late for a pleasant change, and now breakfast of cole slaw and albacore tuna, mixed with ranch dressing; large mug of ice water.
What to blog on this morning - - not politics and the election that's now three months away - - no point anyway, because enough major divisions and hatreds will be fanned as it is, plus, let's get it out right up front: it ain't no way in hell you and I are supporting the same ticket.
My phone is ringing and the display says "Potential Spam" so let it ring, spamming should be a capital offense, eh?
- - and not the wars, Israel and Ukraine. Absent a major escalation from the West, Ukraine is lost as long as they can't and don't shift from a defensive war to heavy offense against Russia's capabilities inside Russia.
Israel will drag this out as long as necessary to destroy their enemy, whom they want as totally eliminated and helpless as we destroyed Japan and especially Germany.
My breakfast is good, but needs a lot more ranch dressing, which I'm resisting because I know it's loaded with the salt that I don't need. The substitute that I use, NoSalt, which my doctor approved for me during my visit last year, is pure potassium, and it does the salt taste well enough for anything but a steak or raw oysters; and also should cover adequately for the potassium that the FuroEighty drains away; but I'm also trying to get accustomed to my food being more natural and less salt-flavored.
What's been enjoyably on my mind is pondering the basic set of questions, why am I here, why are we here, what's the meaning of life? Philosophers have made their livings out of the contemplations, and I've read some of the better known ones, some religious, some not religious, or at least skeptical.
Forest Trader (with a U S Navy diver tender in the background) 580x94 sailing for Ishinomaki with wood pellets. You can Google and read about it. Power plants are complex, wood pellets from where, Georgia?, brought to Port of Panama City, Florida and transported by ship crossing the Gulf of Mexico, Panama Canal, and Pacific Ocean halfway round the world to Japan. Small wonder if electricity is expensive.
Now her bow wave and wake washing up softly seven levels down from 7H porch.
++++++ <- passage of Time.
PPHT 86/59 not too low, bottom number is fine, but top number is slightly low, enough to Now I lay me down to sleep for maybe three quarters of an hour just now.
What? Oh, yes, the meaning of life?
Philosophers who didn't know about the expanding Universe and its untold trillions of galaxies like our own Milky Way, and theologians whose God is too small, could not have known, but it is ludicrous, and ultimately arrogant, to contemplate the meaning of life on Earth without first concluding something about the purpose and meaning of the Universe, in which we are a transitory speck on a speck. It may be that the Universe itself is life, or an organic part of the life of a Multiverse of a countlessly infinite body of Universes, even itself conceptually merely an atom in some inconceivably large object. And our own lives but accidents evolving here on Earth, where our purpose is to be fruitful and multiply; and, in our perception of divine will, have dominion over the Earth - - which doesn't seem so significant after all, does it! - -
where we humans are still in our crocodilian stage of Can't-even-get-along-with-ourselves, physically different but socially and morally identical to the ants, rats and roaches who were here before us and will still be here eons after humans have destroyed ourselves and most of Earth's livability. Find a purpose there: is life meaningless after all? Each individual's life? Humans as a body? After humans, how long will it take Earth to regenerate itself; and Who or What will remember us?
And what will the human experiment have proved to Whatever or Whoever said "yeh-hi" and tried to have a relationship with us?