
The whole thing, all of it, I like everything about my favorite, which is Sunday; today all the more so as we are having friends over for a light to medium lunch after church. Except for immediate family, this is the first time since the storm. 

All feasible because 7H is livably almost back together. As I started a nap yesterday, before dozing off I heard noise outside on the porch, opened my eyes to see several men taking up the thick paper covering the floor, and removing the plastic that for months has covered the railing. We moved just a couple of things from the living room back out onto the porch, and feel that it's almost ours again. Will have to be removed again for the next recovery steps, whatever they may be; but we're on third base.

A small ship gliding by 7H in the darkness about three o'clock this morning. Seeing just the bow light, at first glance I thought it was a shrimp boat; which seemed like good news because where before HMichael the Bay was filled with shrimp boats at night, we've hardly seen any since; maybe the hurricane cleared the Bay of shrimp. Maybe the fishermen who crewed the boats had to move away, both for lack of work and because the storm destroyed their homes, IDK. But things have changed. 

At Jenks Avenue and 5th Street, across the street from the Downtown Post Office, the building that all my growing up years was Lloyd Motors, Pontiac Cadillac has been demolished. Along with it, the backs of several buildings fronting on the west side Grace Avenue between 5th Street and 4th Street; all so damaged by the Category 5 hurricane as to make a total loss. I did not drive on Grace, so don't yet know the extent of that rebuilding. It's an exaggeration, but the place reminds me of pictures of German cities as WW2 came to a close. 

Anyway, Sunday morning, Sunday School but not preaching. A happy day ahead, God willing. 

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 about The Fall of Man, a good thing as it turns out, even part of the Plan of Salvation. Tempted, we fall but are saved.

Psalm 32 with its two-verse oracle in which God says "Do not be like horse or mule, which have no understanding; who must be fitted with bit and bridle"

Romans 5:12-19, Paul contrasting Adam and Jesus, sin and righteousness.

Matthew 4:1-11, the Spirit leads Jesus out into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Tempted, he does not sin.

Breakfast, a small carton of blueberries, raspberries & blackberries. Sausage. Black coffee. I love the snap! as I bite through the sausage casing.
