
The Geranium Farm is Barbara Crafton’s website from which she distributes daily, apparently has supplanted her earlier “The Almost Daily Emo” that she seems to have somewhat discontinued upon retirement as an Episcopal priest. I could skip the “Daily” but can’t resist opening now lest I miss one of her soothingly intriguing, almost magical commentaries on some work of art from early Christian centuries. This morning her subject is 
Giotto de Bondoni..........Pentecost
Italian, ca. 1304-1306
Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
two Giotto works, one Pentecost, the other is The Last Supper. Here is Pentecost

In retirement, Barbara leads retreats and has done at least two in our diocese, Linda attended one, maybe someday I’ll get to one. If not, I’m content with her emails.

The Church makes a biggie of Pentecost, one of the seven Principal Feasts along with Easter, Christmas and the other four. People will be wearing red at church today, and the church will be vested in red, signifying Luke’s story (Acts 2:1-21) that the on the Day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit danced on Jesus’ disciples’ heads like tongues of flame. Linda and I also are retired, but she has been a gifted floral artist, and one of her most spectacular Altar flower arrangements was flame red, orange, yellow gladiola every year at Pentecost during our active years at three parish churches. As extraordinary and spirit-filled as our songs for the day. 

Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Glory Jesus Christ
Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Glory Jesus Christ.
Glory hallelujah
Glory hallelujah
Glory hallelujah
Glory Jesus Christ.

I miss the flowers and the spirit songs. The other closest in Father Nature might be this most splendid of all sunsets


Sunset: thank you, P!!