Thursday insanity

quick'n the dead

My stash may last, we’ll see. Chocolate. Dark chocolate. For years I’d thought it was just the black coffee, but chocolate added quickens me quicker than coffee alone, quickening that I can sense happening. One. One square, morsel, triangle, truffle. With coffee as companion, melting on the tongue and melding with the brain such that world clarifies, Bay comes into view and life into focus. Happening at this moment, even as dancing fingers prance shamefully.

But the stash: couple chocolate bars hoarded on pantry shelf. Half tin TJ wedges. One unopened tin Tabasco triangles. Jar choc-covered espresso beans. Bit at each of my three chairs here in 7H: Bay, Beck, bed. Christmas supply being carefully rationed out serving by daily serving, no waste, to last until 14Sep16 for a scrooge too miserly to buy his own chocolate, counting on the gift-day charity of loved ones.

As for the world into which JavaCacao have quickened Bubba: a fine age to be 80 instead of 08 or 18 or 28 as America is about to be “made great again” at shameful cost by a madman quickened by those who know not and know not that they know not. 3R reduxing as we speak, vote, live and die.

God on the scaffold again. James Russell Lowell where are you when we need you.
